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No Job, No Paycheck, Same Identity

Before you let the panic completely overwhelm you, consider letting someone who can give you a solid set of options look over your financial situation. It can be tough to get your bearings when your thoughts are running a million miles a minute, and having someone show you what directions are available helps relieve at least a little stress.
“I’m sorry, but you’re laid off.”

Heart-sinking, gut-wrenching, panic-inducing words.

I understand because I’ve lived it. My situation was most likely very different than yours, but I think those feelings are probably pretty similar across the board.

The decision may not have been personal, but the way it affects your life is. Those first thoughts of “how am I going to pay my bills? I have to make this work. I need to make this work…” are all too real and something you wish would magically go away. The hard part is - they don’t...

But it still has to get figured out somehow.

Before you let the panic completely overwhelm you, consider letting someone who can give you a solid set of options look over your financial situation. It can be tough to get your bearings when your thoughts are running a million miles a minute, and having someone show you what directions are available helps relieve at least a little stress.

Most of all, know you aren’t alone in this. Our employees have worked with members through unemployment on more than a few occasions, and if you’d like to speak with us the door is always open. You don’t change when you become unemployed, your situation does, and we’ll do everything we can to help you get through it.

While it may not feel like it right now, you have options, and we can help you find them. (We specialize in helping people through tough times.) So, take a deep breath and contact one of our member service representatives. Give us a call at 800-728-4294 or contact us online and we’ll follow up with you.

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